For a long time now many health professionals have advised us to avoid the sun due to its negative effects on our skin in the way of skin cancers. This combined with long office days; television and computer games have resulted in many of us not getting enough old-fashioned sunshine on our skin.
Now by no means are we suggesting baking yourself to a nice shade of red, but we are however suggesting 10-20 minutes of morning or evening sun to help your body repair and regenerate itself.
Vitamin D is essential to the body and a deficiency in it can lead to serious health problems. The body has an amazing ability of generating and storing its own Vitamin D simply by the sun shining down on your skin.
Sunshine can help with
- Skin disorders such as eczema
- Lowering high cholesterol and high blood pressure
- Fighting depression and mood balancing
- Improves immunity and kills bacteria
- Promotes oxygen circulation in the blood
- Promotes cleansing and detoxifying of the body
You also have the added bonus of fresh air circulating through your body while you enjoy that gorgeous sun.
Goal for the week – 10 minutes of sunshine per day
Try adding one of the following into your daily routine. Don’t stress if you can’t spare 10 minutes, start with whatever you can and build it up.
- Taking into account tip #1 & 2 why not start your day by preparing yourself a big glass of water, stepping out into the morning sun and having a positive chat with your inner self.
- Maybe the mornings are far too busy for you so why not hit up the sunshine during your morning or your afternoon tea. Once again grab yourself a big glass and water and head outside (don’t forget to be sun smart and avoid the heat of the day).
Don’t forget! Your eyes can benefit from the sun too so take off those sunnies and truly enjoy the sunshine.
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