The Healing Powers of Sound. Sound Therapy refers to a range of therapies in which sound is used to treat physical and mental conditions. Indigenous societies around the world have traditionally used sound in healing ceremonies, including drumming, hand-clapping, singing, dancing, and pulsating [...]
Feel free to drop a few lines about your first yoga experience. Here is mine. I was a Uni student at the time. I turned 20 and the year before I had a strong calling to go vegetarian. Thinking about me back then, I was a bit strange young girl; I read Bhagavad Gita and Tibetan Book of the dead. [...]
Yin & Yang are opposites that create balance in Life. One cannot exist without the other. One gives value to the other. When ‘Yin’ is slow cool & still, ‘Yang’ is fast, hot & moving. Yang Yoga is movement of blood through the muscles contracting. Sometimes elevating the [...]